2020 Vision - Castellani Art Museum
Mark your calendar for an exhibit of the art of 185+ women artists from Western NY (including mine!) It will open at the Castellani Art Museum in Lewiston NY, the evening of Feb 20, 2020 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. I’d love to see you there! Avoid the parking-search frustration! Park at Dwyer Arena, cross the street, walk alongside the Golisano Center, then head straight to the Castellani.
Lately I have been enjoying rescuing unsuccessful paintings on the computer using collage elements and painting. Here is a before and after of my picture "Blue Owl". I'm not sure the owl is improved, but I think the made up background and tree definitely are.
 Blue Owl redone on the computer
Saturday, October 15 at 3 PM
415 Grant St, Buffalo, New York 14213
Please join us for a celebration and reading. Light refreshments will be served. BYOB/W.
MIGRATION is an epistolary narrative; it's a surreal travel adventure spanning 21 letters with 15 full page color images composed by the artist Betsy Potter.
Nathan (the narrator) and a fox companion are called upon to fulfill an absurd 'math' equation given to them by an oracle-like Dall sheep. They proceed to navigate a country filled with mysterious guides and a variety of dangerous, yet lovely terrains, and in the end, discover an eco-consciously larger purpose.
I am calling my "Fallout" painting which is 48"x 60" finished. Yay! I spent more than 40 days since January working on it and many of those days I worked 5 hours or more on it. This winter I discovered that I can paint for much longer periods if I listen to movies or tv shows believe it or not. They have to be ones I know well so I don't have to look - just listen. It seems to keep the part of my brain I don't need while painting occupied and also keeps me company. I wish I had discovered this much sooner! It's fun to compare the finished work to the previous post, "attacking this beast."
I started this painting last winter but then set it aside to work on teaching myself how to make collages on the computer and making some illustrations at the same time. Now it's time to go back and see if I can pull this one off. I just finished the stenciling around the inner border and need to let that dry before continuing. You can see the stencils I used on the right. It is very fussy work but I like the results and I think the mechanical method of stenciling is right for the plowed field parts. You probably didn't even know that it is a plowed field but that's okay.